
Monday, April 19, 2010

Lost in translation

hi guys

Sorry for the bad updates things have been every crazy lately and my computer was broken .. or so i thought , until i found out that is it was the crappy and expensive adapter to bought from teknikmagasinet , i am absolutely not going to buy any more stuff there again .. cause its really just over priced bad quality stuff.

I have recently become very good friends with mike , my next door my neighbor , a really awesome and funny guy , yesterday he was talking about karma , and that if you do good things good things come back to you , recently i have been having a lot of bad luck , could Carma be the reason for this, could be it Karma telling me to practice what i preach ?!... to try hard to be a better person, are my actions really all that significant in such a turbulent world were people are profiting on the suffering and deaths of others ?! why would Karma take the time to straighten me out and make sure that i am on "the straight and narrow", when others are doing things that are way worse things than i am ? i am only a 22 old young adult trying to see the world and to have fun and get a good education while doing it!, but maybe that is just an under-statement , since we young people are going to inherit the world. and there for maybe i do need to be more mindful of others and do more to me this world a better place..... but where does one start ?

oh well if there is such a thing as karma then it is absolutely need a deeper investigation, maybe those guys who created Urban legends can have a segment about it. either way i am absolutely going to have that thought in my subconscious next time i am close to doing something wrong deliberately.

Song of the day Kansas - Heat of the moment


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