
Tuesday, April 20, 2010


the second block of my exchange that just started is going to be almost just finance .. and accounting .. i am so NOT looking forward to the exams .. trust me its not going to be any fun , not much so say today .. i have to go over to mike and make some food and watch southpark , although i have notice all day today that i am missing someone .. she just vanished without saying where she is going .. or anything .. which is totally not cool cause now she has me worried and i probably wont be able to sleep tonight , here is a question why are girls always sending mixed signals .. it like we a from to deferent planets , we think you are speaking the some language but you really are not .. , has a girl every told you "we need to talk" .. that does not mean "when need to talk" .. it actually mean "you need to sit down ,shout up and listen " or when they are .. "oh no, i am sure it was my fault " and you are think oh thats nice of her to admit guilt .. it does not really mean its she thinks its her fault she a actually saying "its your fault" , i mean whats with all the codes .. just say what you mean !

Song of the day - Brad Paisley-Whisky Lullaby


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